Start Here

Welcome to Semper Wifey!  I hope that you will find humor and joy in our stories! 

Semper Wifey

Sometimes "following" a new blog can feel like beginning a novel in the middle, so I thought I would help you jump right in!

You can start by reading about me and this site.  Semper Wifey isn't a "personal" blog, so you won't find diary-type posts here.  I try to keep things generic, but at the same time entertaining and inspiring.

There are a few features that I regularly (kind of) rotate, in addition to writing about other things:
  • Semper Stylish: Just for fun.  Just because I love clothes.
  • Share: So others can share their stories about the military life.  If you have something--anything--you'd like to share with  my readers, I would love to feature you.  Just send me an email, and we'll work it out.
  • Think About Such Things: Based on Philippians 4:8, this is intended to refocus our thoughts on the true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.  
  • Throwback: These are posts that have been posted by me at least once before.  They are either favorite posts of mine or posts that I find relevant for whatever is going on. 
  • Top 5: Random lists of my Top 5 Whatevers.
You can also browse through some of my favorite posts!


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