The chill in the air refreshes and creates an excited buzz of a new season. The first taste of fall is like a splash of cold water on a hot day--it takes your breath away and leaves you feeling invigorated, alive, and ready to take on the world.
After moving to a place where the climate is typically
“perfect” year-round, I wondered if I would ever have that rush of feeling the first wisp
of a cool fall breeze, that excitement over the first glimpse of pumpkin
decorations in the stores, or that cozy feeling of putting on a hoodie and
watching some football.
My wonderings were recently answered. After more than a month of
a heat wave with temperatures in the upper 80s (don’t hate…we don’t have air
conditioning and I’m pregnant), there
was recently a day with much cooler temperatures, cloud cover, and even a few
sprinkles (gasp!). It was on that day
that I knew that I could and would have those feelings of fall that I
desperately longed for. While I haven't put on my college hoodie yet, there have been cool breezes outside and lots of pumpkin decorations inside. So we're on the right track!
But if summer insists on depriving me of fall-like weather for much longer, I will create my own autumnal bliss by going to Barnes & Noble, sipping a pumpkin latte, and reading fall books with Baby.

Got to love Fall :)
Glad to hear somebody else loves fall! :)