When I was first approached about reviewing
Kids Cork, I was skeptical because, well, everything they offer on their site are things that my family already uses in a variety of media formats--private Facebook albums for pictures, Hallmark recordable books, iPhone for games).
However, when I signed up for Kids Cork and started using it, I realized that this comprehensive site offers so much
on one site to help military families stay connected. "KidsCork.com is an easy, affordable way to stay connected to children in your life who you love, but maybe cannot see every day. Simply create an account, log in, and record a story book your child or grandchild can listen to when it’s convenient!" (from www.kidscork.com) And it's free for military families!
Once you register for Kids Cork and start your own cork board, it's so cute and easy to use, even for kids. You and your invited contributors can upload and share pictures, record yourself reading a book to the kids, learn about the state/country where other relatives are living or are deployed to, and the kids have a variety of online games they can play. I like this site and service because I don't have to make complicated Facebook privacy settings to share pictures with family and I don't have to buy a $30 Hallmark book to ship to a family member to record a reading. It's all right there on our family cork board!
Setting up our family cork board with sticky notes, uploading photos, and recording books. |
“We have a kid-friendly website that allows parents to pre-record themselves reading their kids a book at night,” said Justin Butler, Founder of KidsCork.com. “When their kid wants to be read a story, they go to the corkboard, open the book, and listen to the parent reading as the pages turn seamlessly along. We wanted to keep it simple for kids, simple for parents. Most of all, we wanted to keep that warmth, the closeness that exists between parent and child, no matter how great the distance.”
Learning about the country Daddy was flying missions in. |
Kids Cork is a cute website that can help keep families involved with each other even when they're far apart. And did I mention it's FREE for military families? :)